Will Boxer ever come back so I don't have to scramble for a MCW theme...who knows? Milk River Madman is graciously continuing to host the Movie Clip Wednesday Meme where everyone picks a clip from their favorite movies based on a weekly theme. A few weeks ago I said I didn't think the theme title could get any longer or wordier, I stand corrected for a second time. This week's theme is FAMOUS/POPULAR MOVIE I HAVEN'T SEEN BUT REALLY SHOULD BEFORE I DIE BECAUSE EVERYONE TELL'S ME IT'S GREAT. Well OK then. I think we have to go with the classics here. I looked at the American Film Institute's Top 100 Films of all time. I started down the list and stopped at Number 8 - 1954's On the Waterfront. It was nominated for 12 Academy Awards and won eight including best picture, best actor and best actress (Eva Marie Saint). One of Marlon Brando's best roles and I've never seen it. Here's the most famous scene in the film:
We'll have to see if the Madman gave everyone enough time to come up with clips of movies they've never seen. Something doesn't sound right about that does it?
I coulda been a contenda!
Another one for my list....
I should describe it this way "Here's how it works, I come up with a theme and then you have less than 48 hours to post a clip" That would be more accurate although when I have posted the theme under the MCW monicker you seem to miss that as well.
Get Netflix if you want to catch up on the classics. It's how I watch this, Citizen Kane, Streetcar named Desire, Alls' Quiet, etc. GWTW is about the only one I missed. This is a great movie BTW and if you like Brando find a nice evening to watch it. Happy MCW.
Not only have I not SEEN it, I've never heard of it, either.
My general rule is - if it's so old it's in black & white, I can live without it, lol.
Good afternoon Buzz Kill,
I've seen it. Except for Apocalypse Now and The GOdfather I didn't care that much for Brando's films. Although I truly enjoyed listening to reruns of the War of the World's radio broadcast.
Good lord. I think I've seen every movie on that list except for some of those obscure 1920s B&Ws. I don't know what that says about me, but it can't be good.
I liked OTWF a lot, although I've never been much of a Brando fan.
"instead of a bum, which is what I am." This is the only scene I know from this movie and I really want to see the rest of it.
I'll try and let you know what I think of this and whether you should add it to your list. I'm going to try and get my kids to order it on Netflix.
I'm just busting your balls. My problem is that I can only view videos at night and the nights since school started have been really hectic. Now that I know where the MCW monicker is, I'll be OK. I saw that you have next weeks theme posted already - so no stress. And I'm going to finally try and take advantage of the kid's Netflix account (that I pay for).
You won't like next weeks theme which is - Favorite Black and White Movies. I shit you not. Bwahahaha
I'll have to let you know how I like it. He also did Mutiny on the Bounty and The Wild One, both were pretty good.
It says you're a movie aficionado. That's what I keep telling myself and it's better than couch potato.
Although I know that clip, Im not sure if I've seen the whole movie or not - senior moment!
Heh-- but but but...it seems like such a BUZZK tyoe of movie? ?how'd ya miss this one?
Good pick, BuzzK
Just stoped by to say "hey'.
Hey. :-)
click and follow
i dont think ive ever seen the whole movie - i do like brando and here is heartbreaking. i coulda been a contenda. come by chickory buzz . i FINALLY got the chicken wedges posted. send mailing address to sparringk9@yahoo.com
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