The "Life" of a Kid Chauffeuring, Schedule Maintaining, Mr. Fix-it Chef Wannabe - If You See Me, Please Shoot Me!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
F-ing Snow
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Movie Clip Wednesday - Favorite Movie from the 1940s
That Movie Clip Wednesday haiku extraordinaire, Boxer is far too busy composing winning haiku rants to return as hostess. So it's the Milk River Madman that continues to take up the mantle that is MCW, the Meme where everyone picks a clip from their favorite movies based on a weekly theme and tries to keep the clip or clips to around 3 minutes long. This week's theme is FAVORITE MOVIE FROM THE 1940s. After having favorite movies from the 1950s, I can just cut and paste and fill in the blanks.
There were a lot of good movies made in the 50s 40s like The Bridge on the River Kwai, Rebel Without a Cause and 12 Angry Men Citizen Kane, Casablanca, It's a Wonderful Life and classic kid's movies like Pinocchio, Dumbo and National Velvet, just to name a few. Alright, enough of the strike out crap.
The last couple of weeks we've been talking (well some of us have been talking) about that master of horror, Alfred Hitchcock. But he did some petty descent non-horror type movies. One I like (from 1944, coincidentally) is Lifeboat. It starred wild party-girl Tallulah Bankhead who gave an outstanding performance (it was nominated for 3 Oscars) as the stuck-up journalist. It's the story about a ship and a German U-boat involved in a battle and both are sunk. The survivors from the ship gather in one of the boats and then they pull a man out of the water who turns out to be from the U-boat. It also features a very young Hume Cronyn. I say young because I only remember him in his later years being married to Jessica Tandy.
An interesting tidbit about Tallulah Bankhead was that she was infamous for not wearing underwear. According to Hume Cronyn, during the filming of Lifeboat the crew complained about her flashing them when she had to climb a ladder to go into the mock-up of a lifeboat. When their objections reached Alfred Hitchcock, he reportedly quipped that he didn't know if it was a matter for wardrobe or hairdressing. Bwahahaha - oh that Hitchcock.
This once again is Karl's category to lose. Bwahahaha Go on over to the Madman's and see what other Black and White flicks he can drum up.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Dim Sum Sunday - Vegatables Kids Will Eat
A go-to simple recipe that I use all the time with my 17 and 12 year old boys is Buttery Cooked Carrots that I lifted off of some years ago. This is as simple as it gets and it has butter and sugar, two food groups that kids love.
Here's the ingredients with the carrots in a steamer already going (I was running late this week). The recipe calls for boiling, but I thing they get a little too water logged that way. I retain about 1/2 cup of the carrot juice water for use with the recipe.
Here's everything mixed with the carrots soaking. I try to leave them in as long as possible.
Here is the finished dish. You can pour some of the sauce over it if you want. The Mrs says it's too sweet that way, but the boys like it that way.
And here was dinner. Carrots, rotisserie chicken (Shoprite) and Rice-a-Roni, that San Francisco Treat. Everyone was good with it.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Movie Clip Wednesday - Favorite Movie from the 1950s
That Movie Clip Wednesday urban trekker, Boxer is far too involved in recording the artistic elements of downtown Seattle. So it's the Milk River Madman that continues to take up the mantle that is MCW, the Meme where everyone picks a clip from their favorite movies based on a weekly theme and tries to keep the clip or clips to around 3 minutes long. This week's theme is FAVORITE MOVIE FROM THE 1950s. There were a lot of good movies made in the 50s like The Bridge on the River Kwai, Rebel Without a Cause and 12 Angry Men just to name a few.
But for my selection this week, I'm going back to my childhood (again).
My mother was pretty religious and encouraged us to watch religious themed movies. In fact, she bought me a book full of screen shots based on this movie. And that would be 1959's Ben-Hur. I'm not sure if this is based on an actual biblical story, but it's pretty cool just the same. It's sort of like an early version of Life of Brian. Bwahahaha This movie won 11 academy awards including best picture and best actor for Charlton Heston. The two best scenes are the naval battle and the chariot race. Interesting fact, the large island in the stadium made a backdrop of a stone wall and was cheaper to film than a backdrop of thousands of extras but it blocked a lot of people's views if they were real Roman spectators. The chariot race (a precursor to NASCAR?) is a bit long but is so spectacular that it's worth the watch - and no CGI here.
I'm curious to see what Karl comes up with because this is right in his wheelhouse. So head over to the Madman's to see some great old flicks.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Haiku Monday - Arizona

Haiku Monday is hosted and judged by the Troll. All decisions by the Troll and Master Basho are final. Please, no wagering.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Movie Clip Wednesday - Favorite Fantasy Moive
That Movie Clip Wednesday tormentor of small dogs, Boxer is too busy trying to get Cocostuck under a forklift. So it's the Milk River Madman that continues to take up the mantle that is MCW, the Meme where everyone picks a clip from their favorite movies based on a weekly theme and tries to keep the clip or clips to around 3 minutes long. This week's theme is FAVORITE FANTASY MOVIE. This theme is wide open to interpretation. Are we talking an actual fantasy I'd like to have (we may be delving in to the XXX arena) or a fantastic place or time? In consideration to the women, I chose the latter.
And what better fantasy film is there than Conan the Barbarian (1982). This was Arnold Schwarzenegger's first staring role and it led to his 1984 defining role as The Terminator. Nobody can wield a sword, work the Wheel of Pain, or beat the crap out of giant, hammer swinging mullet heads like Conan. He wades through cannibalistic orgies (his camouflage may have been the inspiration for Predator), kills more expendable guards and soldiers than Cecil B Demille and reconditions his own weapons by banging the rust off of them. This also featured the very hot Sandahl Bergman as Valeria and a very young James Earl Jones as Thulsa Doom - half man, half snake, all ham in this performance. Enjoy.
And what is best in Life Conan?
If you've got nothing better to do (and that fact that you're reading my blog says that you don't) then head on over to see what fantasies the Madman is conjuring up.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Movie Clip Wednesday - Favorite Movie Set in Winter
The New Years Eve Grand Dame of Movie Clip Wednesday, Boxer is too busy cleaning eyelashes out of the vodka fountain. So it's the Milk River Madman that continues to take up the mantle that is MCW, the Meme where everyone picks a clip from their favorite movies based on a weekly theme and tries to keep the clip or clips to around 3 minutes long. This week's theme is FAVORITE MOVIE SET IN WINTER. A fairly narrow theme this week and appropriate because of the Nor' Easter that ripped through most of the US and affected just about everyone in some way. From digging out 10" of snow to delayed holiday flights, it let everyone know winter is here.
When I think of winter in movies, I think of war films. War is hell but it's way worse in the winter. A slightly obscure little Navy flick that takes place in the North Atlantic was the first thing that came to mind - 1965's The Bedford Incident. It has a star studded cast including Richard Widmark and Sidney Poitier and is about a cat and mouse came played by a US Destroyer and a Soviet submarine in the waters between Iceland and Greenland. A really good movie but I couldn't find a descent clip. I'm sure Karl has seen this one because it's a tension filled Cold-War era Navy movie - and because it's in black and white.
So instead I went with another 1965 war flick - The Battle of the Bulge. Another all-star cast (Henry Fonda, Telly Savalas, Charles Bronsin, Robert Shaw, etc.) with great tank battle scenes (although they are models) and winter ground fighting leading up to the siege of Bastogne. A better representation of that particular battle was in 2002's Band of Brothers, Episode 6 - Bastogne. Interestingly, both of my picks featured James MacArthur (Dano from Hawaii Five-O) who passed away this past year. Here is the movie trailer clip (a little long).
If you're not too hung over from Boxer's NYE Bash, head over to the Madman's for some winter chills and thrills.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Spawn of a New Year - Navy Bean Soup
The beans were nice and tender but not mushy because I also did a quick soak on the Navy Beans by cooking them in boiling water for 2 minutes and letting them rest in the water for an hour. Otherwise you're suppose to soak them in cold water over-night and I didn't have the time.
Here are some bad pictures of the effort.
La Diva had a great suggestion about blending half of the soup to thicken it up. That is a brilliant suggestion that I failed to think of. And the Mrs gave me a new Immersion Blender for Christmas that would have been perfect for blending the soup.
In the words of Jack Sparrow - If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it. Damn.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Years Eve Aftermath

I have been tied up (not literally, unfortunately) with NYE party and Christmas decorations clean up and had hoped to get back to everyone much sooner than this. Sue me.
First, thank you Boxer for hosting the best (only) virtual New Years Eve Party I've ever attended. Huge participation and commenting from a ton of people. Some really funny and interesting stuff.
Second, I apologize for the bad link in my post for the Boy Scouts of America. Completely unintentional and I didn't realize it until today. All this linking got me turned around.
Thirdly, I think because I was tied up with a real NYE party here at Kill Manor, my overall participation affected how many people who visited my site and the charitable donation amount. I had 28 total comments at 50 cents per comment that would make the donation $14. I'm going to round that up to $50 and that donation went out today to the Southern New Jersey Council, White Horse District. This is the council the boys belong to and they can always use the support. Thank you all for humoring my New Years Eve Blog.
Fourthly, I hope everyone not only had a virtual good time, but a "real" good time this New Years in however you celebrated. We had 3 neighbor couples with kids come by and it was a nice, quiet evening (because I threw the kids in the basement with the Xbox and some Cheetos). We had one broken wine glass on the kitchen floor (red Zin - that stuff makes a sticky mess) and one couple actually bailed on us at 11:00PM. That was not an indication of how boring we are but rather, how boring they are (the Mrs and I were taking bets before they arrived as to when they would leave). We had more than enough food with a spiral ham, meatball sandwiches and stuffed shells (all store bought) along with various appetizers. We let the kids out at midnight but they all immediately ran back in the house because it was too cold - pussies.
Fifthly, I'm going to try and make a Navy Bean Soup with the leftover ham bone and may post about that.
Sixthly, one last time - Happy New Year to all!