Well, everyone has been talking about this all month - Boxer's Blogger New Year's Party. I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work, but it starts Friday, December 31st at 12:00 AM EST and ends sometime on January 1st. There will probably be some 50 or so bloggers (by my count) in attendance and Troll , Moi and Intuitive Eggplant will be big time participants/hosts.
I figure that, being the party guy that I am, I should provide some entertainment. And what better game could there be than Homer the Flanders Killer. This is way easier than the Troll Barmaid Bottle Catch Game and I don't think there's any scoring involved (Edit: There is scoring - I got 268). It's just kill or be killed - by Flanders - who is unarmed - Edit: He actually can kill you in later rounds).
Anyway, the underlying theme of this Boxer Bloggapalooza is charity. To start the new year right (and so that I can feel good about something) I will donate 50 cents for every comment left on this post. The money will be donated to our local council of the Boy Scouts of America.
I'm using the autolaunch publish so that this can come up at 12:00AM EST on Friday, which is way past my bed time. Especially if I'm going to stay up late for New Years Eve. We're apparently hosting a "real" party at stately Kill manor - so I'm told. So I'll start cruising around Friday in between cooking and cleaning. I have a feeling this thing may be "ever evolving" and I may add some additional stuff to this post, so come early, come often.
So remember to have a good time, straighten up, fly right and have a Happy New Year!

Supplemental: Chickory Garland Thing
So as part of Chickory's New Years Eve Party Activity, she encouraged the artistically challenged to make some New Years Garland. I took a shot at it. I started gluing it to the string but it wasn't sticking. Then I realized I was using Blistex. Plan B called for tape and that sort of worked.
Here's the Kill Family Tree. We usually get the tree from the local little league, but they didn't sell this year. So the Mrs looked online and we found a farm 18 miles away where we could "cut our own". So we trekked out there only to discover they're brought in from Pennsylvania and that this was a tomato farm and not a tree farm. Still, it's a nice tree and the Mrs was happy with it.