So for my Dim Sum Sunday entry, I decided to do an Italian Herb Bread and have it for dinner on Wednesday night with spaghetti, meatballs and Caesar Salad. But first, a little background about how I got to this entry. The last two week's schedules have been absolutely brutal with the Boy and the Pudge back in school, the Mrs working late most nights and the weekends are loaded with sports, doctors, haircuts, etc. I had to really plan ahead to do this theme.
This week is the Mrs and my wedding anniversary (20 years, yeah I know) and we're going away for an overnight Bed and Breakfast stay this weekend while the monsters are camping with the Boy Scouts (after I haul the troop gear to the camp Friday night). That means I can't do Dim Sum Sunday - on Sunday. That leaves a weekday and every single night is chock full of something that requires me to drive someone somewhere.
So I decide last week that Wednesday (the 22nd) would be the day because this is the least busy day in the week, the Mrs isn't working late and it's the big anniversary. Fancy home-cooked dinner (fancy by my weekday standards), anniversary dinner, Dim Sum Sunday dinner all rolled into one. I'm laying all of this out so that you (gentle readers) know the reason why I need to use a bread machine and that it's not because I'm lame. Not lame because of the schedule but I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons why I am lame - but I digress.
I went with an Italian Herb Bread because I never made one before and it fits in with the spaghetti dinner theme. So to accomplish this feat, I set the bread machine up at 6:30AM before going to work so that the bread would be done (and the house would smell great) when I got home. And I have to have dinner on the table before 6:00PM because the Pudge has CCD class (for all you non-Catholics, it's religion class for kids that don't go to Catholic school) and right from there to the food store to shop for food for the upcoming camping trip. The window of opportunity for dinner is about the size of the re-entry window the astronauts use to get back to earth (I don't know where that came from).

I get home around 5:00PM (after having stopped to get milk and lottery tickets) and I could smell the bread wafting through the house. A good start. I got the food going and set the table out on the deck because it was pretty warm.

The bread looked great. The taste was so so. I think fresh herbs would have been better. Overall the dinner was a success but what's missing in this picture? The Mrs was about a half hour late, so we started without her.

If all goes well this weekend I probably won't be around until late Sunday to see every one's Dim Sum.
Lovin' this discourse on family, anniversary (congrats!!) crazy schedules..REAL LIFE, huh??
That bread machine looks amazin'. An so does yore bread--why, I'd make it jes' fer the aroma!
Too much real life sometimes. All went well this weekend with the Mrs. We got away for a night at a Bed and Breakfast and had a fantastic dinner followed by a horse drawn carriage ride. I scored major points.
Any loaf worth pinching has to be thick. Bwahaha
Your bread looks terrific, and so does the rest of your dinner. Too bad the Mrs. was late, but glad you enjoyed your b&b getaway. Happy anniversary!
Congrats on your anniversary and your getaway, and that bread looks GREAT!!
Happy Anniversary Buzz.
I'm guessing the NASA commentary came from the fact that your bread maker looks like something NASA would use. Actually your breakmaker more than likely has more computer power than the first manned trip to the moon.
I love the little heart plate your bread is resting on.
I will say I love the smell the bread maker puts out. I'm glad all the Buzzettes enjoyed your Dim Sum Entry.
Happy Dim Sum Sunday.
Happy Anniversary! I've never used a bread maker, but I did give my dad one one year for his birthday and he seemed to like it. The recipe sounds great, but I agree about the fresh herbs. And, I love that you all dined al fresco!
A very happy 20th to you and Mrs.Buzz Kill. It's not easy staying married and I'm happy for you both.
My Dad won blue ribbons at county fairs in the mid 1960's with his herb bread. My Nephew and I have been going through his bread cookbooks trying to find "The" recipe. It made me happy to see another man making herb bread. :-) Sorry it wasn't want great, but it made me happy.
I'm in this week with bread pudding.
Glad to hear you and the Mrs. had such a great time together!
Happy DSS.:)
Happy Anniversary Buzz and Mrs. Buzzkill!
I have been missing your food adventures, Buzz, I have to honestly say.
Is that a Japanese breadmaker? I didn't even think the Japanese ate bread?! I wish I had one but then again, I'd be big as a house. I think your bread looks awesome and what a great dinner for the weeknight! You know dried rosemary is one herb that is pretty strongly flavored after it dries, consider using that next time too!
It was our first weekend "off" in three weeks and no rain came, so we stayed out in the sunshine as long as possible, so no DSS for Diva. Happy Dim Sum Sunday!
The boys and I are getting use to the Mrs not showing up. We know her job is demanding but some point she has to learn how to tell time. When she says 6:00 for dinner and then calls me at 10 of to tell me she'll be 1/2 late, it completely messes me up. You know, timing is everything with cooking.
Thanks, the getaway was very nice and may be the subject of a future posting.
The machine is kind of space-age looking. The plate was something the pudge made for the Mrs last Valentines Day (one of those kids pottery stores) and I don't get to use it that much.
My mom had the 1st breadmaker in the family (years after we all grew up and left the nest) and a couple of us liked it so much we bought our own. So I guess bread making machines are more our family tradition than bread making. Fall is coming so we'll dine out side as much as we can before it gets too cold.
If you find "the recipe" I hope you'll share. But I think I'll try this again with fresh herbs anyway because I think this recipe has potential. The texture came out great.
Yeah, we needed to get away. We've really been feeling the strain of the schedule lately.
My adventures are getting tiresome for me. I think the bread maker is Japanese. The Mrs bought it for me a couple of years ago and I think it was recommended by Consumer Reports. You squeeze the DDS in where you can and rainy days help.
Good afternoon Buzz Kill,
20 years that's pretty good, Congratulations. It probably has something to do with your schedules.
That is an impressive looking Loaf.
The schedule doesn't help at all. I've been producing impressive loaves for years. Bwahahaha
Happy anniversary! Congrats on 20 years. Twenty Long Yeaarrrrsssss (as my hubby emphasizes it) .... thanks for stopping by. I've been hearing about your Gov and saw a video or two of him addressing some issues thrown at him by the teachers. A man after my own heart! PAMOKC
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