I'm a dude - what do I know about love stories. You might say to yourself (or out loud if you want to seem crazy), Buzz, aren't you married? Isn't there a love story there? My answers are yes and yes. But the love story is only interesting (barely) to the Mrs and me. Hence my dilemma in picking a movie about the best love story - BORING. It's only interesting to the people it's about - from the dude perspective.
So instead of going for "best" (because in my world that doesn't exist), I'm going for "quirkiest" because that semi holds my interest. What a build up, huh? Alright, settle down people. I went with an obscure (read independent) little movie from 2002 called Secretary. This is about a woman (fresh out of a mental institution - just the way I like them) who becomes a secretary for a lawyer. The sado-masochistic relationship that these two have is entertaining, creepy and most of all - interesting. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays the secretary and James Spader plays the lawyer (but I'm not sure he knows he's doing a movie). Gwyneth Paltrow was originally cast in the role of Lee Holloway (secretary). I wouldn't have mind seeing that. Here's the trailer because it's the only PG clip I could find.
A little too over-the-top? I think this movie may be one of my better selections for Miss Joanna. Now, put your hands on the desk... Did I say you could leave a comment?
Cake soup is right. Uff-dah.
I loved this movie, love James Spader. This was just weird/quirky enough to hold my attention, but it was a rental not a movie I wanted to see in the theater. and yes, a little over the top, but it's your blog.
Did you feel the earthquake?
Excellent choice!
I kind of liked this movie even though I've never much been compelled to either the S or M side of things.
Definitely strange, I see it every now and then on Sundance and always stop to watch. Earthquake Smearthquake, I'm more worried about the hurricane.
Thanks, I thought so. Love stories (unless there's a lot of nudity - then they're porn) are just plain boring.
I could see you on the S side. In fact, I imagine it quite often. Bwahahaha
batten down the hatches. you lucky dog! secretary is a fine choice. quirky is generous. twisted more like it. happy MCT
Hi Buzz...
I hope Irene loses interest in coming ashore!
Just popped over to leave a gentle reminder link to my place for Haiku Monday
Maybe see you on Monday?
I'll be stowing all of the projectile lawn furniture tonight. Quircky, twisted...it's still a love story *awwww*
The weather guys seem pretty certain we're going to get hit. I'm inland enough that water won't be a problem, it's the high wind and trees I'm worried about.
I'll see what I can do with the haiku.
oops...is quirky the new "yore mama woan let ya see this a'fore youse 55"?
At 70 MPH ya git a hideous mess that takes two days to clean up an' possibly a dump truck, a front end loader an' a crane. At 110 ya will have projectile lawn chairs--folks round heah jes' sink the patio furniture in the pool. (we doan have no patio or pool) One year a fella din't sink his stuff an' it went crashing through some French doors--three houses down the road. At 130 MPH, yore roof can levitate.
HJope ya miss all that fun an' have a borin' weekend BuzzK.
What a great choice,Buzz! I did enjoy this movie and I may even have done an HNT on the subject. Despite what one might think, it is indeed a love story! Well Done! x
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