To be honest, I don't like this theme at all. I have no desire to dress as a woman or see another guy dressed as a woman. It's not homophobia, it just creeps me out to no end. So to that creepy end, the very first thing I thought about for this category was a small scene from Gangs of New York. Of course I couldn't find a clip, but there is a scene where there is a church dance and the church reverend is walking down a line of women to pick the queen of the dance. He gets toward the end and there are 2 of the worst looking transvestites (heshes as they call them in the movie) I've ever seen. Five-oclock shadows and all. I laugh every time I see that scene.
So, speaking of creepy guys, I settled for 1993's Mrs. Doubtfire. Robin Williams is a fairly convincing old woman and and it's kind of funny. Interestingly, in real life Robin Williams divorced his wife in order to marry his nanny. In this film he divorces his wife and becomes her nanny. Bwahahahaha
If you're in to this kind of thing (not that there's anything wrong with it), man-up and head on over to Joanna's to see - well, God only knows what.
One of my favorite lines from To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything:
"When a straight man puts on a dress and gets his sexual kicks, he is a transvestite. When a man is a woman trapped in a man's body and has a little operation he is a transsexual. When a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen. And when a tired little Latin boy puts on a dress, he is simply a boy in a dress."
Cracks me up, every time. Would have been my pick, had I played today.
That being said, Robyn Williams was actually pretty good in this. Happy MCW!
Good evening Buzz Kill,
I think Joanna chose this theme to test us. I've seen parts of this movie, but never the whole thing. What I've seen of it was funny.
A pleasant clip day to you.
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